We have started a site devoted to Digital Humanities at UT Arlington (it also includes some general info about DH). Please check it out and make suggestions for additions about ideas or projects you are working on. If you’d like to be an editor of the site, please contact Rafia Mirza (rafia [at] uta [dot] edu) or Jody Bailey (jbailey [at] uta [dot] edu).
]]>What are your favorite sources for royalty-free or public-domain multimedia (images, music, video) when you are putting together a presentation or brochure? I have a couple that I like and turn to on a regular basis, but perhaps there are other great ones out there that I don’t know about? Maybe it would be fun and helpful for those of us who want to find and use multimedia on a fairly regular basis to get together and brainstorm about what we use, how we make sure we are using these media legally, and where we find great stuff!