Lisa Fox

  • Title / Position: Assistant to the Director
  • Organization: University of North Texas

There's a great big world of technology out there but I feel like I've only crossed the threshold. I learned a great deal about electronic sources while a grad student, but I know there is more out there and I want to know about it. I hope to teach American history survey courses at some point, but I'm also very interested in museum work, historic preservation, and enviornmental history. I am not a native Texan but it's been home for 18 years. I married a Navy man who now is a commercial pilot so I enjoy travel and exploring new venues. I have an affinity for nature, adore my three dogs, am an active community volunteer, have an overall happy disposition, love 40s crooners and 70s bubblegum bands, prefer paper books over tablet versions (but I'm trying to change!), and never want to stop learning.

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